Monday, April 20, 2009

Some poetry this time

I've had a hard time writing lately, finding ideas, inspiration to put something down on paper. I'm in the middle of writing another short story, but I'm getting some serious writer's block, so I'll post it next time. But I have some poetry today, something a little more modern and rough, so I warn you, the style isn't typical. But I hope you enjoy reading it.

Got my heart goin' again
Unpredictability is the only thing predictable
And my heart beating
Is such dangerous game
A time bomb in my chest
Shouting it's mind to the world
To diffuse or not
Is it really a question?
After all
I don't want to hurt you
I'm a time bomb
And these feelings will die alone

One more!

A young man brushes by me

Wrapping his arms around a woman in the crowd

A car breezes through them and off into the sunset

Wings in the air

Birds on the ground

A drummer throwing bomb through a window

And the sun you saw so high in the sky

Is now settling into night

As your eyes catch the young couple

On a park bench doing goodness know what

I blink before continuing to walk

Shielding my eyes from the blazing sun

And cranking the volume on my Ipod

We only exist in this song

Disappearing with each verse

Our story etched into the BGM of your life

The first poem is pretty straight forwards, so I won't go into it. But the second poem is a little obscure, so I'll explain and try to revise it later and re-post so it makes more sense.

I usually stare off when I listen to music, because I like to visualize what's going on in the music as if it's real life. So it's like a movie playing in my head as the music goes on and the characters act out the lyrics. But as I thought more about it, I felt kind of sad. Each person, each character is like a story, a character given life for one moment in each lyric or sentence. But I guess that's like our lives right? We're given moments to live in the small amount of time we have in our conscious lives, and after it disappears, we're left with the memories we've kept in our hearts, playing over and over like the lyrics in a song, or the scene from a love story. Anyways, if it makes sense to you, then I hope you try it, it gives life to the music you listen to everyday. Happy Reading!

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